
Rudiger MeyerRudiger Meyer

Frankenstein’s Christmas

Ingredients: An extended Breathless Moment, some Twitter tryouts, Jexper Holmen’s vocal experiments and free glögg.

Rudiger MeyerRudiger Meyer

Imagination, Fantasy and Intuition

Irina Kalina Goudeva has for many years been working on various quite ambitious syntheses of contemporary music with video, theater and choreography – aiming for the highest and closest possible connection between instrument and performer.

Rudiger MeyerRudiger Meyer

The Seventh Lab

Knud and Malene , together with their librettist, presented a brief ritualistic kernel of the opera they are working on – a piece based on the idea of a society in which men no longer exist: “What would the world be like without men?” Kai Steensgaard presented his Aluphone , an instrument of his …

Rudiger MeyerRudiger Meyer

The First Lab

It was on a warm June evening in 2011 that Frankenstein’s Lab was born. On that first fateful evening in Literaturhaus we had the joy of experiencing: